WoSCAN Projects

 WoSCAN Projects

Phase 1: NHS Ayrshire and Arran – Breast and Colorectal
Provide a streamlined and person centred service through the delivery of complete packages of care, which will be supported by cross sector partnerships, navigational support, Holistic Needs Assessment, Treatment summaries and Health & Wellbeing Clinics.
pdficon_small  Final Report

pdficon_small  Journal Paper: Patient Experience to Improve Outcomes

pdficon_small  Journal Paper: Implementation of Cancer Treatment Summaries

Infographic: pdficon_small  NHS Ayrshire and Arran TCAT – infographic

Poster – Patient Involvement: pdficon_small  Patient Involvement

Poster – Transforming Care: pdficon_small  Transforming Care

Poster – Treatment Summary: pdficon_small Treatment Summary

Phase 1: NHS Forth Valley
To support patients to live as normal a life as possible with the optimum quality, following the diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer supported by the introduction of the Holistic Needs Assessment.
pdficon_small  Final Report

Infographic: pdficon_small NHS Forth Valley TCAT – infographic

Treatment Summary (TSUM) Project Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkc5Fgi_cfA

Phase 1: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde – Stobhill Breast
Test an imaging led follow-up model of Breast follow-up in Stobhill and introduce holistic questionnaire.
pdficon_small  Final Report

pdficon_small  Infographics

pdficon_small  Poster – NHS Scotland Conference 2017

Phase 1: NHS Lanarkshire – Lung
To test a treatment summary and ePROM approach to improve the quality of care and support provided to patients with lung cancer.
pdficon_small  Final Report

pdficon_small  Journal Paper: Lung Cancer Patients using Electronic Assessments

pdficon_small  Poster – NHS Scotland Conference 2017
Videos:  Long Version  https://vimeo.com/213701888/24c4794cd2?lite=1
Short Version   https://vimeo.com/221751655/e2c0d343c4?utm_source=email&utm_medium=vimeo-cliptranscode-201504&utm_campaign=28749

Infographic: pdficon_small NHS Lanarkshire Lung Infographic

Phase 2: Ayrshire Councils (led by North Ayrshire Council) – Employability and Economic Regeneration
To support people affected by breast cancer and colorectal cancer to build the skills and necessary confidence to return to employment or to pursue business opportunities through integrated employability support.
pdficon_small  Final Report
Videos:  Long Version  https://youtu.be/axhjrPYeGiQ
Short Version  https://youtu.be/S80mf_oxI8U

Infographic: pdficon_small Improving Support for People Affected by Cancer to Return to Work

Phase 2: East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership – Care co-ordination and asset mapping
To lay the groundwork for an infrastructure to identify, support and empower people affected by cancer, thereby reducing social isolation, improving pathways and co-ordinating the available support whilst establishing better networks.
pdficon_small Final Report
Phase 2: NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde: Cognitive Rehabilitation
To raise awareness, knowledge, skills and confidence amongst health, social care staff and third sector employees facilitating the identification and support of patients who are experiencing Cancer Related Cognitive Impairment through the provision of teaching/training and relevant self help materials.
pdficon_small Final Report

Resources: pdficon_small Self Management leaflet

Project video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StaGjnvj0ig

Self-management videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmuRxztsS0NwaXZ132kWemjESZ9pq25v4

Infographic: pdficon_small Cognitive Rehabilitation and Support Project

Phase 2: Lanarkshire Council – Personal Budgets
Supporting People After Treatment with Individual Budgets
North and South Lanarkshire Council’s TCAT Project Final Report

pdficon_small Final Report

Project video : https://player.vimeo.com/external/264010891.hd.mp4?s=9fe731deacbed7293580dfa724faf18971a0aed9&profile_id=174

Phase 2: NHS Lanarkshire Cancer Care Reviews
To provide holistic and structured cancer care reviews for people affected by cancer in primary care practices.
 pdficon_small  Poster – NHS Scotland Conference 2017
NHS Lanarkshire Cancer Care Reviews TCAT Project Final Report

pdficon_small Final Report

Infographic: pdficon_small Practice Nurse Led Cancer Care

Project video : https://vimeo.com/241533740

Phase 2: Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership
To provide a seamless transition from the medical model of care and treatment, into the community for support, rehabilitation and to improve the emotional, physical and mental wellbeing of those affected by cancer.
pdficon_small Final Report
Phase 2: West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership
To review and enhance co-ordination and supply of current service provision across different partner organisations and ensure the delivery of an improved health and wellbeing model of service.
pdficon_small Final Report

Updated: 16/11/2018